Relational Harmony

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Something left undone

LABOR with what zeal we will,
Something still remains undone,
Something uncompleted still
Waits the rising of the sun.

- H.W.Longfellow (Something left Undone, verse 1)

I spent nearly 5 hours wondering what the name of the blog should be. Or to be specific the URL for the blog. It was exciting for the first few minutes of me deciding to start a blog. I needed an identity here in this world(am talking about blogging world people...) to post comments. Some of these blogs dont allow anonymous comments. So here I am , out of my old Ink pen and journal mode to the hi-fi online journal mode.

Now on with the post. I have spent most of my childhood reading Longfellow. There is always a sense of sastisfaction everytime I read his work. 'Something left Undone' is one of those pieces of art which is quite near and dear to me. As I grew up, reading poems became more of a daily activity rather than just a hobby. It was an addiction that I couldn't shake out of my system. Growing up also included more homework, bigger responsibilities and more things to explore. Longfellow took a backstep then. As I progressed through college, Longfellow along with Byron and Poe came to my life. They are still there....
Yesterday night when I picked up my oldest copy of Longfellow, this poem caught my eye. I knew what to name my Blog.

There has been always a sense of something uncompleted. Absence of something. Its always there, while driving to office, while taking a long shower, debugging a code not written by me(thats torture by the way), basically in all mundane activities that I indulge with. It is something like paper cut blues. A cut that is so fine as paper, a wound that cannot be seen and a pain that cannot be described. A sense of something left undone. Its been a long journey in trying to find out the missing 'something' and I am yet to reach the destination.

I spend another night in office in a dimly lit cubicle, drinking mugs of hot chocolate,debugging code that doesnt make sense anymore, I take a gulp of hot chocolate and close my tiring eyes for a moment and then I see my sunrise...

The dream looks only few miles away.....

And we stand from day to day,
Like the dwarfs of times gone by,
Who, as Northern legends say,
On their shoulders held the sky.

- H.W.Longfellow (Something left Undone, verse 5)

Posted by Sookie :: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 :: 14 Comments:

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