Relational Harmony

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A spring afternoon, a guava tree and a conversation...

If I could I relive those days
I know the one thing that would never change
- Nickelback (Photograph)

“If you show me one end of the string, then I will show you the other.”

“If you keep string in a circle, then there are no ends.”
“If you show me the beginning point of the string that is in the form of a circle then I will show the other.”
“If the other end or even a part of the string goes through a potential wormhole then showing me the other end quite improbable.”
“You do realize that we can go on with this discussion for hours and also the fact that we have an exam in less than 36 hours?”
“Come on, we have already revised for this subject twice. If I see one more of that heat engine problem, then am going to jump from this guava tree. Hmm…these guavas are good by the way. It’s a pity your dad is going to cut this down. I am going to miss this tree. I am going to miss sitting on this tree, eating guavas, playing with your dog, talking about some random subject, the way you passionately talk about morals, studying for tests and exams with you and gossiping about every living thing around us. I am going to treasure these little moments you know.”
“I know. I know.”

3 years later…

“It was so great catching up with you. It’s been three years since we have met!!”
“Yes. It’s wonderful that you’ve visited my home for a few times in last couple of years. My parents were very pleased. It’s sad though, the guava tree was cut down and dad cemented the entire area.”

“Guava tree? Did you have one?”

Posted by Sookie :: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 :: 12 Comments:

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